Tom Evans designs exceptional phono amplifier circuits in the same acrylic enclosures he originated his products in for good reason: choosing to isolate noise closer to layered components rather than reflecting internally via more expensive metalwork. The expense has gone towards driving distortion to extremely low levels with his multi-stage power supplies.
All audio amplifiers be they IC or discrete circuits have inherent flaws that the ear/brain is very sensitive to. Tom Evans Audio Design have developed unique circuitry and techniques to avoid the common pitfalls of amplifier design others fall into.
Originating a small design house in Wales 1995 after consulting work for Pioneer GB, we developed a range of world class phono amp designs – updated as IC technology moves forward. Power amps were co-designed with a specialist in designing and manufacturing output transformers.
Adding the latest in IC tech and unique circuitry and with a unique composite tube output stage get the very best from both worlds: amazing specs and and exceptional audible performance.
Tom Evans
For technical specifications, visit Tom Evans Audio WEBSITE.
For orders and other inquiries, give us a call or email/send us a message using the contact form at the bottom of this page.

Phono Stage Amplifier
The Groove Plus SRX mk2.5 features a sophisticated design with a dual mono layout and dual Lithos 7.4 local regulators, providing an even wider dynamic range giving more lower level detail – almost twice the dynamic range of the previous model Micro Groove+ X – recently measured by an independent German magazine to have a signal to noise ratio of 108dB (A weighted @ 20kHz with 73dB of gain) and that was with our previous 7.3 Lithos version.
However, the GroovePlus SRX mk2.5 version has an entirely redesigned circuit with an external power supply with our latest High current 6.1 Lithos PCB. This offboard PSU helps to once again double the dynamic range and half distortion of previous 20th Anv. model.
All of our range now come with selectable dip switches and here we give you a choice of 9 cartridge loading resistances per channel. 112, 126, 144, 168, 200, 250, 333, 500, 1000 ohm are selectable, and if you require a custom load then please let us know.
The gain is set for an optimum level to suit most current cartridges of 0.2mv to 0.6mv Other gains can be catered for upon request.

Pre Amplifier
The launch of our Tom Evans updated Vibe has been compared to Audio Preamps costing many times its price, with the Tom Evans preamp consistantly coming out the winner.
By a wide margin.
Quieter, more elegant, more musical – simply better. Talk to owner and dealers. You will get the same story. Probably the finest value in the Tom Evans line of audio products.

Phono Stage Amplifier
The culmination of all of our knowledge appears here in the form of the Worlds Reference Class MasterGroove STD Mk3.
The sheer excitement of hearing a record for the first time is a once-only occasion. However, image this; hearing your entire record collection with such exquisite detail, such open and transparent depth and soundstage and with such exacting and yet musical presentation that you truly believe that it as if you had never heard them before. Because until you have heard them through a Master Groove that is the truth of the matter.
If the effect of hearing instruments that you have never heard before from a piece of vinyl you believe you know inside and out, leaves you grinning from ear to ear, or crying in the absolute joy of the occasion, then prepare yourself for that very experience.
Facts and figures? Yes of course, more than you can possibly imagine. Let’s narrow it down for you.
The front end gain stages offer more than 50% less noise and distortion than our acclaimed Groove+ SRX and over twice the dynamic range. The signal path resistors use Vishay 0.1% tolerance and 15 parts per million temperature coefficient. That’s 15 per 1,000,000!
Each stage of gain is powered by the latest Lithos 7.4 class ‘A’ local voltage regulators. Both left and right channel local voltage regulators are supplied by our latest higher powered Lithos 6.1 regulators in all 14 PCB’s.
We have even gone to the trouble of designing and winding “in house” a new 200Va Low Flux Transformer with a electrostatic screened primary winding to dramatically reduce RF (Radio Frequency) interference entering the power supply.
Nine values per channel of cartridge loading resistor settings are provided with dip switches on the rear panel and MM and Decca versions can be built to order.
We can quote an array of numbers that speaks volumes about our attention to making sure that every minutiae of signal is passed to you, the listener. But, none of this impressive array of numbers can convey the scope of step forward for vinyl reproduction that one listen can do.
When your Vinyl reproduction needs no excuses, only the very best phono equalisation that the World has to offer, then we believe – as do many others – that there is only one choice.
The new MasterGroove STD Mk3 is a performance reality that no other manufacturer understands how to equal.

Power Amplifiers
Our small yet sonically perfected range of Power Amplifiers continues to amaze reviewers and customers alike.
The Tom Evans Linear A and Linear B valve amps have a dynamic range well in excess of most superpower transistor amplifiers. These amplifiers have the now legendary low noise levels that people already associate with our designs.
Finally, you can have your cake and eat it. Our new Mk3 designs allow for user selectable feedback switching along with the added proprietary binding posts made from the purest copper, fitted as standard.
We defy you to find more advanced amplifier designs that provides the same bandwidth and inky black background.

Send us a message or call us for any orders, enquires or any other technical information regarding any of our brands and products.
Auditions by appointment, any time:
Phone or email first to confirm date and time.