“Building on the idea of our own turntable design, we wanted to create a high-quality record player that would be exceptional. The idea was to combine musicality and beauty in an electro-mechanical object that plays vinyl records. At the same time, our focus was on ease of use and set-up. The result is Hermes DCX turntable.
After extensive listening tests and great success at the 2011 Belgrade Hi-Files show, we decided to offer the Hermes DCX turntable worldwide. And so, the Soulines company was born.”
The Kubrick DCX flagship turntable from SOULINES is perfectly balanced, providing smooth platter rotation and steady tracking. Featuring high-end audio performance gained from a uniquely engineered solution:
Design of plinth and sub-plinth
For technical specifications, visit SOULINES WEBSITE.
For orders and other inquiries, give us a call or email/send us a message using the contact form at the bottom of this page.

(deals available + Wand tonearm)
Inverted main bearing, machined from solid brass and stainless steel to extremely high precision, and solid aluminum arm-board are mounted directly on the sub-plinth.
The motor assembly is mounted on the main plinth. The platter, 40mm thick and weighing 3.2kg, is machined from Acrylic to very high accuracy.
Included in the package:
– 3 different (user) exchangeable aluminum made arm-boards for 9″ tone-arms:
– SME arm-board – tone-arm pivot to spindle distance from 204-239mm
– Rega/Origin Live arm-board – tone-arm pivot to spindle distance 222mm
– Jelco arm-board – tone-arm pivot to spindle distance 214mm
– Acrylic (Perspex) dust cover, the SA cover
– High-performance rubber-cork mat
– The Protractor LP – a cartridge alignment tool including Baerwald, Loefgren, and Stevenson protractors.

Soulines U-BASE
A universal audio equipment isolation platform
• Universal isolation platform is designated to be used mainly for the source components such as turntables, CD players, DACs, streamers, tube and solid state preamplifiers, but it will improve the performance of the integrated and power amplifiers as well.
• Isolates the equipment from vibrations coming from the surrounding environment and at the same time damps the surplus vibration induced in the equipment itself.
• Rigid construction, made of solid 1Omm thick aluminium plate, strategically drilled with the holes of different diameters and with triangular openings, where the dimensions and plan of openings and holes follow the Fibonacci sequence and Golden Section ratio rules in order to dump the equipment born vibrations evenly across the wide frequency range.
• Includes 4 isolation feet-cones machined from solid aluminium and damped at the bottom with small silicone puck, and de-coupled from the base plate by the rubber-cork washers of different diameters- kind of a “soft” coupling; cones are height adjustable, allowing easy leveling of the platform.
• Maximum bearing weight – up to 35kg
• Dimensions WxDxH- 490x385x45mm;- weight- 6.50kg

Soulines The Loop
Tube MM/MC phono preamplifier
• Based around a pair of hand-selected and matched NOS ECF80 tubes.
• MC step-up gain section is done with J-fets in SMD technology.
• MM gain 38dB; MC gain 64dB
• MC input impedance (MC load} set-up feature for three most common loads, 50ohm, 100ohm and 200ohm, selectable by microswitches located at the back panel of the unit.
• All aluminium case-enclosure, strategically damped by rubber-cork washers and silicone puck (1Omm thick bottom, front and side panels)
• Standard 230VAC power supply version, (115VAC version also available)
• Dimensions WxDxH- 31 Ox280x125mm
• Weight-6.95kg

Soulines TT clamp
A record clamp
• Purposely designed with the right material choice in mind, according to their mechanical characteristics.
• Clamping disk made of POM (polyacetal), stiff plastic material, with excellent damping characteristics; collet chuck or the clamping sleeve is made from brass which is softer than aluminum, stainless steel and other hard materials used usually for the turntable spindle, allowing a good grip to spindle; locking nut is made of aluminium, stiffer and harder than brass, so optimal for the locking nut tightening task.
• Includes two pairs of washers of 17mm and 23mm diameters made from cork and rubber-cork, which could be placed around spindle before placing a record onto the platter and before securing the clamp; use of the supplied washers depends on the platter/mat design and thickness and warp state of the record.

Send us a message or call us for any orders, enquires or any other technical information regarding any of our brands and products.
Auditions by appointment, any time:
Phone or email first to confirm date and time.