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Patented technology. The Square Tube technology is a new way of assembling electronic tubes to amplify an audio signal.

The “SQUARE TUBE” is the result of long research and long-term assessment. The tubes – a well-known technology – are used in a modern and innovative way. Four tubes are used to make a single amplification stage, hence the name.

Powered by two tensions, a positive and a negative, the Square Tube® delivers a signal that is symmetrical to the reference (the ground).

That means that the signal alternatively reaches the positively charged domain (to push the membrane of the speaker) and the negatively charged domain (to pull the membrane).

This innovative and original architecture along with the usage of vacuum tubes makes this scheme suits particularly well the staged amplification method.

All the high-fidelity Kora elements are designed and engineered by a team of R&D specialized in high-precision instruments for laboratory use. They also are long-time passionate audiophiles. Kora Company can also count on the listening expertise of professional musicians as well as internationally recognized solo artists.

All the Kora products are also fully designed and hand-assembled in Toulouse, the cradle of the European Aeronautical industry. Thanks to this strategic localization, Kora can draw on an extensive network of highly qualified subcontractors and suppliers, used to providing extremely high-quality products and services.

About the Kora TB140, “It strikes a careful balance between tightness, control, linearity, and expression on the one hand, and refinement, fluidity, and air on the other. Meanwhile, the amp has SET-like purity, quite bizarrely combined with amazing bass control, while driving any speaker, even Magico Q5’s”

Christiaan Punter, HI-FI Advice.com

For technical specifications, visit the Kora High Fidelity WEBSITE.
For orders and other inquiries, give us a call or email/send us a message using the contact form at the bottom of this page.

Kora TB140 Integrated Power Amplifier

Kora TB140

70 Watts Integrated Power Amplifier




Like the entire Kora amplifier range, the TB 140 is powered by the SquareTube® operational amplifier. Equipped with 4 triodes per channel, this innovative circuitry provides very unique musical qualities to the amplifier.

SquareTube® provides every amplification functions. Its output voltage is the one that will be applied to the speaker outputs. Audio power transistors, exceptionally linear, are the only ones to provide what technicians call “impedance matching”. The transistors will give the speakers the required current, without amplifying the signal. Their role is somewhat the same as the one generally assigned to the output transformer.

However, the SquareTube® / Transistors combination does not know the difficulties associated with the usual transformers:

> no phase shifts on low frequencies,

> no phase shifts on high frequencies,

> no bad coupling on low end,

> and above all: no current limitation!

The combination of SquareTube®’s high voltage capacity and the high current of the output transistors gives you an unmatched high definition power amplifier.

> The tubes give you softness, the transistors offer you unrestrained energy

> SquareTube® offers phase accuracy and will reveal an abundance of unsuspected details from your sources with natural dynamics.

> The amplifier is highly stable, even on complex loads.


Kora High Fidelity Integrated Power Amp
Kora High Fidelity Power Amp
Kora High Fidelity CD PLAYER

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Auditions by appointment, any time:

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Reference Audio Systems

New Zealand

Peter Hardie

T: +64 21 033 6456
E: [email protected]

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